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Good Friday 2020 - Christ Crucified

What is Good Friday?
·         A day reserved on our calendars to remember the death of Jesus Christ.
o    Fulfillment of OT Prophecy and Words Jesus spoke to disciples.
o    Much debate on the timeline of days we celebrate Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday
·         Many people simply enjoy the day off without giving any thought to the meaning behind it.
New Testament - Mark 15
·         Mark 15:1-5
o    Jewish council would legalize their verdict in the morning, any decisions that were made in the evening were not binding.
o    Pilate = Roman official for Jews, serving A.D. 26-36.
o    Pilate asks Jesus if He is King of the Jews and Jesus tells him "It is as you say".
§  Title is consistent in Matthew 27:11
o    Jesus was being accused during His trial but did not answer a word. This was fulfilled on OT Prophecy.
§  Matthew 27:12-14
§  Luke 23:9
§  Prophecy Fulfilled: Isaiah 53:7
·         Mark 15:6-15
o    Jesus gets sent to Herod; this is not written in Marks Gospel. (ref. Luke 23:6-12)
§  Prophecy Fulfilled: Jesus held in contempt and mocked
·         Luke 23:11
·         Isaiah 53:3
o    Pilate then asks if they want him to release Barabbas or Jesus per their custom for the feast which was to release one prisoner.
§   Barabbas= charged for murder in a rebellion.
o    The chief priest stirs up the crowd to release Barabbas instead of Jesus.
o    Pilate refers to Jesus again as the King of the Jews.
o    They want to request Jesus to be crucified., Pilate knows this is all over envy.
o    Pilate gratifies the crowd by delivering Jesus to be crucified.
·         Mark 15:16-20
o    Jesus was taken to a place called Praetorium by a garrison of soldiers.
§  Garrison = Latin cohort which totaled 600 soldiers. This may have been written this way to reference just a very large number of soldiers.
·         Also used in Matthew 27:27
·         Praetorium = Pilates house.
o    They clothed Him with a scarlet/purple robe and a crown of thorns.
§  Scarlet = sign or royalty.
o    They then mocked Him by saying "Hail King of the Jews".
o    They spate on Him.
§  Isaiah 50:6
o    The soldiers mock Jesus, another fulfillment of Isaiah 53:3.
o    They then lead Him out to be crucified.
·         Mark 15:21-23
o    Roman soldiers had a man named Simon to carry Jesus' cross. They could assign citizens into compulsory service.
§  Simon= Jewish Cyrenian from north of Africa.
o    Jesus was taken to Golgotha, Place of a Skull.
o    They offer Jesus wine to drink but He did not accept it.
·         Mark 15:24-32
o    They crucify Jesus and the four soldiers cast lots to divide up His garments.
§  Prophecy fulfilled: Psalm 22:18
o    The inscription of 'The King of the Jews', ironically proclaimed truth about Jesus.
o    Two robbers were on both sides of Jesus.
§  Prophecy fulfilled: Isaiah 53:12
o    Jesus continues to be mocked, and people even tempt Him to prove He is the Son of God. (The Gospels confirm Jesus as the Son of God).
§  Psalm 22:6-8
·         Mark 15:33-41
o    Jesus cries out His last words and then breaths His last breath.
o    The veil of the temple was torn, confirming the way to God's presence was made open by Jesus Christ.
§  Ex. 26:31-33
§  Hebrews 6:19-20
§  Hebrews 9:3
§  Hebrews 10:19-22
o    Mark 15:39 == Mark 1:1
·         Mark 15:42-47
o    Joseph of Arimathaea offers a tomb for Jesus' burial.
o    Joseph of Arimathaea was a secret follower of Jesus
§  Matthew 27:57
§  John 19:38
o    Jesus body is put in the tomb with fine linen and stone was put in front of the opening to secure the tomb.
Christ Atonement at Cross
·         Isaiah 53:10
o    His death was an atonement for sin.
o    It was the will of the Father for this, even though Christ did not deserve it.
o    1 Corinthians 5:7
o    We are not saved from the wrath of God:
§  Nahum 1:3
§  Exodus 34:7


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