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Acts 21:37-22:30 — A Reflection on Real Christianity

I have been working on making some changes that you will soon see on this blog, which is why I have not posted as much as usual. I wanted to pick back up in the Book of Acts. In my last post, I left off on Acts 21:36 which is where Paul was attacked in Jerusalem and taken to the barracks. Acts 21:37-40 In verses 37 thru 40, we see that Paul asks the commander if he is permitted to speak, the commander is surprised by Paul’s use of the Greek language. In verse 40 it says Paul spoke to the people in Hebrew, he was likely to be speaking in Aramaic since this was considered the new Hebrew. Paul also states that he is a Roman citizen from Tarsus, a city of importance. Acts 22:1-4 This is where we see Paul’s first apologetic speech that is documented in the Book of Acts. Apologetics is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as, “reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine.”. Many Christians do not realize the importance of apologetics toda

Do You Actually Understand the Word of God

I find it troubling how many people do not know Jesus; I also find it more troubling how many people do not properly know Jesus. There are many people who are not saved, and there are also many people who think they are saved, but truly are not. Many people might go to church once a week or even twice a week, but they lack a true understanding of God’s Word and who God truly is. Jesus did not call us to be casual Christians, if we want to follow Him then it requires a radical change in our life for His glory alone. Let me give you an example of a casual Christian, one who’s Bible gets dusted off once or twice a week, or their Bible app only gets used twice a week. When was the last time you opened your Bible and asked Holy Spirit to teach you? What is your prayer schedule like, do you have one? We have a schedule for everything else in life, do we have one for prayer? Or do we just pray when we go through difficult times? Are the pages still sticking together in your Bible? Do y

Acts 21:1-36: What Do You Represent?

Introduction In this blog post, I am going to discuss the majority of chapter 21 in the Book of Acts. As always, I encourage you to take the time to read this chapter in its entirety. In the first six verses of chapter 21, we see that Paul and his travel companions go to the following areas on their way to Jerusalem: Cos, Rhoades, Patara, Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Syria. They finally end up in Tyre. During Paul’s travel, he always sought out other believers. It is important that we find likeminded people to be around. Insight from Holy Spirit The believers in Trye determined by the Holy Spirit to tell Paul not to go to Jerusalem. They knew in their spirit that afflictions awaited Paul in Jerusalem. Acts 21:4 (ESV) tells us, “And having sought out the disciples, we stayed there for seven days. And through the Spirit, they were telling Paul not to go on to Jerusalem.”. The Message version translates this portion as “Their message to Paul, from insight given by the Spirit, was “Do